Saturday, April 3, 2010

My first night time Friday Fest

I had my first experience selling my sparkles in the dark last night at the Friday Fest in Cape Canaveral and met some really nice people. That was the best part. :) Especially the lady from Savannah. What fun we had reminiscing about this beautiful city where I grew up. :)

This was only the second month the city held this event, so there are some kinks to work out - like putting some lighting on our end of the street. They didn't know the street would be that dark as they did have a big light at the intersection. So, he told us not to worry about paying for our spot next month since we barely made our tables. It will be worth going back just for that. :)

We did have a generator set up behind us, but it was so loud and since we (me and the vendors around me) thought the street would be lit up, we asked it to be turned off. Since we weren't using it, they put it somewhere else where it was needed. So for the last two hours, we were pretty much in the dark except for a glimpse of the large light placed at the intersection. The funny part of this story is that I had five lights and two extension cords. Lesson learned. First time. Who knew. And, I was the only one who brought lights which I thought was a little odd.

Next month the city will have a bright light placed at our end as well as some food vendors. The event is growing, there were more venders this month than last, so this is encouraging. It was a learning experience for all of us. And next time we won't be shooting ourselves in the foot with the issue of the generator. As for the noise, the coordinator said he could place it further away.

I must say, (and you other crafters and artists will relate) this is the first time I've been to an outdoor event where the coordinator was so accommodating and actually concerned about the vendors. You'd be surprised how many just want the space fees and you're on your own. Thank you, Robert, for your wonderful attitude and concern for all your vendors. We do appreciate your enthusiasm and hard work. :)

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